In Moscow, Moscow and Voronezh regions the counter-terrorist operations regime, imposed because of Prigozhin’s rebellion, was cancelled

In Moscow, “all restrictions related to the introduction of the counter-terrorist operation regime” are lifted, the city’s mayor Sergey Sobyanin said.

Graduation in the capital will take place on July 1, the official added. “Once again I thank Muscovites for their calm and understanding”, Sobyanin wrote.

The counter-terrorism regime is also being lifted in the Moscow region, the National Anti-Terrorist Committee (NAK) said. The regime of the counter-terrorist operation was also lifted in the Voronezh region, the Federal Security Service added.

The counterterrorist operations in these regions were imposed due to a riot by the Wagner PMC.

Home / News / In Russia / In Moscow, Moscow and Voronezh regions the counter-terrorist operations regime, imposed because of Prigozhin’s rebellion, was cancelled