
Russian Policy Analyst, Ph.D. in History (Dnipro, Ukraine)

Russian historian, Ph.D. in History, an Arabist, specializes in the history and ethnocultural development of the nomadic peoples of Eurasia of the 1st millennium, the history of Russia, and Arabic sources about Eastern Europe. She wrote several works on Khazaria. She is also a political commentator.

Elena Galkina graduated from the History Department of Moscow State Pedagogical University. In 2002, she defended her thesis “Russian Haganate and Saltovo-Mayatsky archaeological culture.” In 2006, she defended her doctoral dissertation “Nomadic periphery of the Eastern Slavs: Ethnosocial processes and political genesis.” She was a professor at the Department of Civilizational Development of the East at HSE. Currently resides in the city of Dnipro, Ukraine. Areas of interest: political culture, democratic transit in non-Western societies, Revolution of Dignity.